Boot Camps

Every semester, the Spatial Humanities Initiative will provide intensive one-week mapping and modeling boot camps for all interested faculty and doctoral students in the humanities, enabling them to visualize and analyze spatial information in geographic environments. Boot camp sessions will include an introduction to geographical information systems and procedural modeling applications as well as training in the mapping of imagery and 3D data, the processing of data, and the creation of vector data. Boot camp participants will also be exposed to the principles of coding and scripting, Python programming, and SQL querying.

December 2017

This was the inaugural year of the Humanities Research Center's Spatial Humanities Bootcamp for the Rice community. During this 4-day intensive workshop, post-doctoral fellows Marie Saldaña and Elisabeth Narkin provided training in mapping and procedural modeling. In addition to a discussion of potential applications for humanities research, students had an introduction to ArcGIS and City Engine.

In addition to this week-long bootcamp, Saldaña and Narkin hosted a Lightning Workshop in conjunction with Rice's Digital Humanities Group. This hour-long, hands-on session introduced the basics of Mapbox and SketchUp Make.